Andreas Otte is an assistant professor at Department for Learning, University of Greenland, where he teaches music. He gives lectures and do consultant work within the topics: Greenlandic music, globalization and nationalism. He also works as a musician, producer and writer. Andreas Otte earned his doctoral degree from the University of Copenhagen in 2014. His dissertation is entitled “Popular music from Greenland – Globalization, nationalism and performance of place”.
2016 – : Assistant professor at Department for Learning, Ilisimatusarfik (University of Greenland).
2011 – : Bass player in the band Nanook.
2008 – : Owner of the recording studio and publishing company GAGA-Productions.
2014 – : Secretary in the Danish National Committee for ICTM (International Council for Traditional Music).
2013 – : Participant in the research project ”Denmark and the New North Atlantic”.
2015: Associate Professor at Department of Musicology, University of Copenhagen.
2014-2015: Music teacher at CPH-West (STX).
2012: Guest lecturer at Ilisimatusarfik (University of Greenland), Department for Language, Literature and Media.
2010: Earned his Master’s Degree in Musicology, University of Copenhagen. Otte’s co-authored Master’s Thesis is entitled “Populærmusik fra Nuuk” (”Popular music from Nuuk”).
2009 – 2010: Bass and keyboard player for singer Nina Kreutzmann Jørgensen.
2009: Teacher at the Nuuk School of Music.
2005 – 2006: Student at the University of California, Riverside Campus.
2003 – 2007: Studied and graduated from Ishøj MGK (Conservatory Preparation Course) majoring in electric bass.
Funkadelic Light Orchestra Band. 2005. “Left somewhat puzzled?” Copenhagen: GAGA-Productions.
Minor Place. 2015. “Minor Place”. Copenhagen: GAGA-Productions.
Nanook. 2014. ”Pissaaneqaqisut.” Nuuk: Atlantic Music.
Nanook. 2013. “Nanook.” Copenhagen: Mermaid Records.
Otte, Andreas. 2015. “Nuuk underground – Musical change and cosmopolitan nationalism in Greenland.” Popular Music, 34, 113-133.
Otte, Andreas. 2014. “Popular music from Greenland – Globalization, nationalism and performance of place.” Ph.D.-Thesis, University of Copenhagen.
Otte, Andreas. 2013. ”The music in Greenland and Greenland in the music – Globalization and performance of place”.
Otte, Andreas. 2013. “Polar Bears, Eskimos, and Indie Music – Using Greenland and the Arctic as a co-brand for popular music.” I Modernization and heritage: How to combine the two in Inuit societies, edited by Karen Langgård and Kenneth Pedersen, 130-150. Nuuk: Ilisimatusarfik/Forlaget Atuagkat.
Otte, Andreas. 2013. “Flyfrisk og Flyskræk – Den store grønlandsturné” (tour diary from Greenland). Copenhagen: GAGA-Productions.
Otte, Andreas. 2012. ”Populærmusik fra Nuuk – Alternativer til en essensbaseret grønlandsk identitet” (”Popularmusic from Nuuk – Alternatives to an essentialistic Greenlandic identity”). Tidsskriftet Grønland 60(1): 52-61.
Otte, Andreas. 2011. ”Når Grønland flytter ind i Tivoli” (”When Greenland overtakes Tivoli”). Sermitsiaq 36, d. 10. september: 57.
Otte, Andreas. 2011. “Hobitter med vokseværk – En koncertoplevelse med Small Time Giants” (”Hobbits with growing pains – A concert experience with Small Time Giants”). Sermitsiaq, februar 2011.
Otte, Andreas. 2011.
Andersen, Iben and Andreas Otte. 2010. ”Populærmusik fra Nuuk – Forhandling og konstruktion af identitet i populærmusikscenen i Nuuk” (”Popular music from Nuuk – Negotiating and constructing identity in the popular music scene in Nuuk”). Master’s Thesis, University of Copenhagen.