Andreas Otte

Julie og Andreas OtteAndreas Otte is an assistant professor at Department for Learning, University of Greenland, where he teaches music. He gives lectures and do consultant work within the topics: Greenlandic music, globalization and nationalism. He also works as a musician, producer and writer. Andreas Otte earned his doctoral degree from the University of Copenhagen in 2014. His dissertation is entitled “Popular music from Greenland – Globalization, nationalism and performance of place”.


2016 – : Assistant professor at Department for Learning, Ilisimatusarfik (University of Greenland).

2011 – : Bass player in the band Nanook.

2008 – : Owner of the recording studio and publishing company GAGA-Productions.

2014 – : Secretary in the Danish National Committee for ICTM (International Council for Traditional Music).

2013 – : Participant in the research project ”Denmark and the New North Atlantic”.

2015: Associate Professor at Department of Musicology, University of Copenhagen.

2014-2015: Music teacher at CPH-West (STX).

2012: Guest lecturer at Ilisimatusarfik (University of Greenland), Department for Language, Literature and Media.

2010: Earned his Master’s Degree in Musicology, University of Copenhagen. Otte’s co-authored Master’s Thesis is entitled “Populærmusik fra Nuuk” (”Popular music from Nuuk”).

2009 – 2010: Bass and keyboard player for singer Nina Kreutzmann Jørgensen.

2009: Teacher at the Nuuk School of Music.

2005 – 2006: Student at the University of California, Riverside Campus.

2003 – 2007: Studied and graduated from Ishøj MGK (Conservatory Preparation Course) majoring in electric bass.


Funkadelic Light Orchestra Band. 2005. “Left somewhat puzzled?” Copenhagen: GAGA-Productions.

Minor Place. 2015. “Minor Place”. Copenhagen: GAGA-Productions.

Nanook. 2014. ”Pissaaneqaqisut.” Nuuk: Atlantic Music.

Nanook. 2013. “Nanook.” Copenhagen: Mermaid Records.

Otte, Andreas. 2015. “Nuuk underground – Musical change and cosmopolitan nationalism in Greenland.” Popular Music, 34, 113-133.

Otte, Andreas. 2014. “Popular music from Greenland – Globalization, nationalism and performance of place.” Ph.D.-Thesis, University of Copenhagen.

Otte, Andreas. 2013. ”The music in Greenland and Greenland in the music – Globalization and performance of place”.

Otte, Andreas. 2013. “Polar Bears, Eskimos, and Indie Music – Using Greenland and the Arctic as a co-brand for popular music.” I Modernization and heritage: How to combine the two in Inuit societies, edited by Karen Langgård and Kenneth Pedersen, 130-150. Nuuk: Ilisimatusarfik/Forlaget Atuagkat.

Otte, Andreas. 2013. “Flyfrisk og Flyskræk – Den store grønlandsturné” (tour diary from Greenland). Copenhagen: GAGA-Productions.

Otte, Andreas. 2012. ”Populærmusik fra Nuuk – Alternativer til en essensbaseret grønlandsk identitet” (”Popularmusic from Nuuk – Alternatives to an essentialistic Greenlandic identity”). Tidsskriftet Grønland 60(1): 52-61.

Otte, Andreas. 2011. ”Når Grønland flytter ind i Tivoli” (”When Greenland overtakes Tivoli”). Sermitsiaq 36, d. 10. september: 57.

Otte, Andreas. 2011. “Hobitter med vokseværk – En koncertoplevelse med Small Time Giants” (”Hobbits with growing pains – A concert experience with Small Time Giants”). Sermitsiaq, februar 2011.

Otte, Andreas. 2011.

Andersen, Iben and Andreas Otte. 2010. ”Populærmusik fra Nuuk – Forhandling og konstruktion af identitet i populærmusikscenen i Nuuk” (”Popular music from Nuuk – Negotiating and constructing identity in the popular music scene in Nuuk”). Master’s Thesis, University of Copenhagen.